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Brief Chronology of the Life of James Madison

1751 Born March 16, at Port Conway in King George County, Virginia at the home of his maternal grandmother.
1769-1772 Attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton).
1775 Made Colonel in the Orange County Militia.
1776 Elected Delegate to the Virginia Convention and the General Assembly.
1780 Served as one of Virginia's Delegates to the Continental Congress.
1783 Engagement to Kitty Floyd ends.
1787 Serves as one of Virginia's Delegates to the Constitutional Convention where he plays a major role earning himself the title "Father of the Constitution."
1787-1788 Shepherds the Constitution through the ratification process and contributes to The Federalist Papers.
1788 Constitution Ratified.
1789 Elected to the House of Representatives; sponsors Bill of Rights; and works with Thomas Jefferson to form the Democratic Republican Party.
1794 Marries Dolley Payne Todd, September 15 (no children from this marriage).
1801 Death of his father, James Madison, Sr.; as eldest son inherits Montpelier, maintains separate quarters for him mother.
1801-1809 Serves as Thomas Jefferson's Secretary of State.
1809 Inaugurated fourth President of the Untied States.
1812 Delivers war message to Congress (War of 1812).
1813 Begins second term as President.
1814 British burn Washington.
1817 Retires from the Presidency to Montpelier.
1826 Succeeds Jefferson as Rector of the University of Virginia
1829 Serves as Delegate to Virginia's second constitutional convention; only member present from the first convention in 1776.
1836 Dies June 28 at Montpelier.


Brief Chronology of the Life of Dolley Payne Todd Madison

1768 Born, May 20 at the Quaker settlement of New Garden, North Carolina.
1783 Moves with her family to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1790 Marries John Todd, Jr., a Quaker lawyer of Philadelphia.
1792 First son, John Payne, born February 29.
1793 Second son, William Temple born; Yellow Fever epidemic takes lives of Dolley's in-laws, husband and younger son.
1794 Meets and marries James Madison.
1801 Becomes frequent hostess for President Thomas Jefferson and social leader of the new capital of Washington.
1809 Becomes First Lady after Madison inauguration as President.
1814 Sees to the saving of valuable papers, silver and orders the removal of a portrait of George Washington before  the British burn the President's House.
1817-1836 Retires with Madison to Montpelier; maintains life of hospitality and social entertainment and assists Madison with preparing his papers for future publication.
1837 Moves back to Washington.
1839 Returns to Montpelier to try farming.
1841 Returns to Washington.
1844 Granted a permanent seat on the floor of the House of Representatives; Sells Montpelier in effort to keep the slave families together.
1849 Dies, July 12 in Washington.

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